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The Winners Write the History but Thy Word is Truth
Minimal Facts Argument & Preconditions of Argumentation
The Problem of Evil is Your Problem
Buddhism, Karma and the Problem of Induction
The Hypocrisy of Those Angry at God
Magick Christianity, Ludwig Klages and the Global Reset
3 Types of Laws- Scientific, Logical and Moral
Carl Jung and the Pantheistic Psychology of the Red Book
Innate Knowledge and Neo-Darwinism
Alex Jones discusses God at his Joe Rogan reuniting
Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris versus David Hume
Unicorns and the Bible
Why the Quran cannot be the word of God
Evolution and Logical Fallacies - Dr. Jason Lisle
Sikh and ye shall find!
Allah, Islam and Voluntarism
Men wrote the bible!
The Existence of Evidence is Evidence of God’s Existence
Stop Signs, Problems of Philosophy and Jesus
Fractals and Intelligent Design
Andy Stanley- Evidentialism run amok
Hell is Unfair and What About the Jungle People?
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