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01 Apologetics Various articles exploring presuppositional and evidential defenses of the bible and the faith of Christ. 

02 Body Soul & Spirit These articles examine the interaction between the physical and non-physical parts of us.

03 Bible Here we cover various bible verses and subjects and the bible itself.

04 Calvinism This is a series of critiques of Calvinism (tulip) although not  Arminian in nature. 

05 Church These cover various facets of church worship and operations.

06 Evolution Here we point to various refutations and rejections of macro-evolution and supporting intelligent design.

07 Godly Living These cover aspects of our sanctification and godly living.

08 Heresies These are reasons for rejecting various false religions and doctrines.

09 Poetic These are kind of like riddles, hopefully inspiring as well.

10 Politics Not so much particularities but more theory based discussion. 

11 Prophecy End time events and discussion.

12 Rapture Defenses of the pre-tribulation resurrection/ rapture of the church.

13 Salvation Articles associated with aspects of our salvation in Christ.

14 Theology Proper, the Godhead and errors.

15 Weird Stuff All the rest... weird things.


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