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Alex Jones discusses God at his Joe Rogan reuniting

On his return to the Joe Rogan podcast (along with a hearty supply of marijuana, liquor, and profanity- staples of Rogan’s podcasts) after he says God told him to destroy Joe Rogan, Alex meanders with great confidence through multiple conspiracies with the sort of confidence one might expect from someone with firsthand involvement. The same confidence he exhibited in his indictment of Joe Rogan as a pusillanimous, DMT sodden, demon controlled sell out; and his subsequent call to war on Rogan. Jones reveals that NASA is a break away government/civilization formed by former Nazis- yet much of his inside information is from NASA insiders (at 2:13). Alex said his grandfather knew Wernher von Braun, and he has family in advanced research projects, including his dad (53:30). CIA (911 episode 41. min) and Military insiders also supply him with information about what is really going on- but the Military Industrial Complex is part of the shadow government. How can Alex know he is being given intelligence and not the victim of psy-ops? He says he could be killed for some of the things he knows (2:41) and the NSA and CIA has followed him his whole life and admittedly given him misinformation. Plus they have tried to buy him and his dad off (28 min). Nevertheless he has a huge internet and radio following and hasn't been killed yet. Considering these things Jones ought to pull back from his brazen confidence in the news stories he sites (you can't trust the news entirely) and the intelligence he is given from insiders (which could be well crafted psychological operations- as we watch the 'deep state' leak information to the willing press year by year). Just as he has pulled back from his confidence that Rogan is public enemy #1, controlled by globalists and trying to pump and dump bitcoin on his gullible pot headed audience. The point is that Alex concludes some things hastily and then retreats. He that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly (Prv.14:29) and he that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. (Prv.18:13) My point here is not to cast doubt upon everything Jones says- he may be correct on many conspiracies, I tend to give credence to some of them. My point is to torch and incinerate the foolish theological statements Jones made during this chemically induced consciousness streaming. Alex seems to have been spoiled by some form of Hegelian/Christian chimera; for example he states: ( "We are God..." (3:08 min. of the main episode) referring to "that potential in yourself" (3:11 min.) "there is this giant consciousness that's God; swimming in a giant system of survival of the fittest that God has created to test God's self." The evil "is always trying to test God and infiltrate up into it to sabotage it". Ezekiel chapter 1 is an alien story. (Enter Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken.) 3:20 "God knows everything except where God came from." 'God is advanced artificial intelligence' Now the sheer asininity of these ideas cannot be over stated. This is not the God of the bible or Christianity- Jones claims he's a Christian. He actually dawdles into contradiction saying God knows everything except where he came from, and then God is learning about himself, experiencing consciousness through us. God introduces evil and good and watches how it plays out, 'to test God's self'. Apparently God doesn't know himself or where he came from. Can we really have the hope of eternal life? Can god rationally have hope for his future? Obviously rationality doesn't emanate from his nature necessarily as his nature isn't necessary (he doesn't know where he came from). And if rationality was something he creates and projects onto creation (voluntarist problem) he can't have full confidence of his own continuity- since he doesn't know where he came from. A god who does not know where he came from is not the God of the bible who declares 'I am that I am', who from everlasting to everlasting is God, and who inhabits eternity. (Ex.3:14, Ps.90:2, Isa.57:15) Neither can he declare "I am the LORD, I change not" (Mal.3:6) for the same forces that brought him into existence might very well blot him out. This is not a god who can found a reliable epistemology. "before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour." Isa.43:10-11 "Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God." Isa.44:6 "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me" Isa.45:5 A god who is learning of himself through us learning about him is a finite god who eventually through the process of time will know himself completely. This god is subject to time which he didn't create if he began to exist unwittingly. This is not the God of scripture of whom it is stated "Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite". Psa.147:5 But if it is an infinite god who is ever learning about himself he will never come to knowledge of the truth about himself. Either way it is not a God who can found the basis for rationality. Neither can this be the God of scripture who knows himself exhaustively. "for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." "even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." 1 Cor.2:10-11 "he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit" Rom.8:27 As Christians we must not believe popular news personalities like we believe the bible and act in response. Someone espousing this heretical view of God is not being led by the Spirit of truth and while they may be correct on some things are being deceived and controlled by lying spirits (1 Jn.2:27, Eph.2:2, 1 Cor.2:12-15). Prove all things and hold fast that which is good. 1 Thes. 5:21

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