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Writer's pictureTodd

Love Thy Body

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body. (1 Cor.6:13)

“A society can respect human life only to the extent that it respects the act that creates human life.” (pg.150)

This is a very good read to get a handle on the chaos rampant in our sex and death culture today. Nancy Pearcey shows how the philosophies of Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Sartre and company form the foolish abandonment of objective truth resulting in the destruction of the family, children, men and women furthering the path to a totalitarian government. (Hello Marx.) The ‘death and dumb’ culture have had their collective minds spoiled through these philosophies and vain deceit, carried about with every wind of doctrine. (Col.2:8, Eph.4:14) Don’t be ignorant of Satan's devices. (2 Cor.2:11)

The time has come when they will not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim.4:3). Sound doctrine like the instruction for “young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.” (Tit.2:1-6) That’s right young men, no pot and alcohol.

Once women have been destabilized, society can be unraveled (see here). The last vestige of moral stability is the woman (God’s embodiment of grace and mercy). Yet God reveals that “even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature” and became “without natural affection”. (Rom.1:24-7, 2 Tim.3:3, turning God’s grace into lasciviousness Jd.1:4) Pearcey summarizes how “a rapid expansion of state power began with abortion.” (pg.254-5) The state decided biology was not important but their decree of “personhood” is what matters. Euthanasia and assisted suicide will quickly follow. So also, the usurpation of marriage; biology again is shelved as the state defines what a marriage can be. And, hot on its heels is the state casting off God’s design of male and female, again discarding biology and dictating that gender identification is a subjective choice. Finally, parenthood, the state has concluded arbitrarily that although this created institution (honor thy father and mother) has been shown to be the best structure (pg.242-3) for raising healthy children and existed prior to the state, the wise overlords (pg.98) proclaim ex cathedra that a parent can be anyone they deem credible. But by what standard?

Well, they start with Immanuel Kant’s dichotomy dividing reality into things in themselves which is ultimate reality and things as they appear to us, thus you can know nothing about ultimate reality, only of our sense data. (pg.163-4) For our postmodern culture, the biological body is not connected to the authentic self. (pg.31) Sartre is called on deck to assist, who taught that existence preceded essence and humans have no essential nature, thus no morality besides what every man makes for himself. (pg.206) So, be brave and pervert yourself. Somehow this mechanical realm of the body is different from the free realm of the person (as they are afraid to follow their heresy all the way to determinism). Kant is invoked as how to explain the way our mental apparatus projects and imposes order onto the chaos. Yet this does not save science or the objective world since the mechanical natural world contradicts the free and moral realm of choice. (pg.163-4) They can’t be explained in terms of each other. Plus Hume destroyed the non-Christian philosophical landscape so completely that neither Sartre nor Kant can lay one stone upon another 'out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned’.

So logic and science are appealed to until they don’t help the cause at which point they are a ‘Western Patriarchal subjugation tool’ and ‘racist’. Primarily this is postmodernism infecting them so completely that they willingly embrace the mantra ‘there is no absolute truth’ as they mindlessly proceed to speak (gibberish according to their own philosophy) while courting violence as a comrade to their narrative. The modernist says the body is a product of chance material forces- the postmodernist says gender is a product of social forces and not fixed. (pg.207) They are influenced by Hegel’s historicism applied to the body. (pg.209) That is, pantheistic evolution of consciousness as history develops. Nietzsche said without Hegel there would be no Darwin. (pg.205) Every definition of male & female is a product of ever evolving social and cultural forces which are the product of previous ones. In other words, they are just interpretations. Thus, nothing is ‘natural’ and sexuality is a changing social construction. (pg.202) Your gender identity is not connected to your body (i.e. biology- which they hate, pg.208) rather to that free inner self, that ghost in the meat machine. Yet evolutionary science has no universally accepted theory about how asexual reproduction evolved into sexual reproduction. Sex is a puzzle to them that has not been solved, and none of them know why it exists. (pg.204-5)

Postmodernism of course destroys the argument ‘we are born this way’. We better not hear that one again! Pearcey however points out that the science lends itself to the experience that homosexuality is not fixed but a product of broken families, absent fathers, older mothers, urban settings, and the fact they hate to admit- sexual abuse. (pg.166-7, & note on pg.303) Also, sodomy quickly develops in prisons, thus learned behavior. There are no women’s rights either, because there are no women only interpretations by society! (pg.210-11) The body gives no clue to identity; the self is disconnected inside. (pg.30-1)

All this ‘We can’t know scientific facts only social constructs’, including biological facts about sex, is liberating to them. (Ye shall be as gods.) No male or female, father or mother, son or daughter, husband or wife- until the state decides. (pg.212-4) No ‘child in the womb’ also. Sure, it is a human life, just not a person. Virtually no professional bioethicist denies life begins at conception. (pg.51 - with a spark of light, literally.) So, the state decides when personhood begins. (pg.63) And the child’s body can be harvested, experimented on, or genetically tinkered with. Josef Mengele would be chosen as the lead physician in this outfit. This philosophy is wicked and murderous and being spoon fed to our children. Referencing C.S. Lewis, Pearcey quotes “What we call Man’s power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.” (pg.99)

But the masses don’t seem to care since they are busy altering their brains with porn and entertainment. Porn actually shrinks the brain. (pg.128, 126) And this really seems like the motive behind all this sophistry- fornication with no consequences. As Aristotle observed: “Men start revolutionary changes for reasons connected with their private lives.” This is when the body/person dichotomy is utilized as sex without emotional attachments. The hook-up culture seeks total separation of body and emotion, this they consider sophisticated. So, there is no relationship depth as you fortify yourself against vulnerabilities only to discover later that you are hurt, lonely, and unable to be sincere or ‘be yourself’ with anyone, imprisoned in hypocrisy. They need intimacy and fidelity, but fear being called clingy and dependent or needy and weak. Alcohol and drugs are used to sedate you as you usually have nothing in common and even disgust for the people you fornicate with. (pg.118-20) Indeed whoredom and wine take away the heart. (Hos.4:11)

Pearcey explains how porn is literally addictive as it floods the brain with dopamine. And in a process scientists refer to as neuroplasticity, the repeated rush rewires the brains reward pathway to become the default setting. Eventually the chemical overload triggers the brain to shut down some dopamine receptors and in order for the user to get the same sensation or “high” they must seek out ever more perverse hardcore porn. (pg.128-9) This carries over into their interaction with women (most porn is consumed by males) and they treat them as embodiment of porn and service stations for male gratification. One step away from a sex doll basically- thus the market for that humiliation. (pg.126)

And as to be expected porn leads to divorce as it “kills love”. As one study found men who started watching porn after they marry were twice as likely to divorce. Now there is firm data (to corroborate common sense) showing porn addicts then leads to violence (Just like Ted Bundy said), destroys relationships, and feeds sex trafficking and prostitution. (pg.126) You are fueling the kidnapping and exploiting of children while you gratify yourself. This is why we see pedophiles circling like buzzards now. History repeats or at least rhymes. (Cupid was portrayed as a boy. pg.187-8)

Progressive? It’s all a guise it turns out; 61% of Black and 64% of Hispanic deaths are from abortion. (pg.294 note 83) 82% of gay men are not monogamous. It is 50% more likely for gay marriages end in divorce, and 167% of lesbian relationships are more likely to end than heterosexual marriages. (pg.321 note 53) Birth control pills and anti-depressants are the most commonly prescribed drugs among these girls. (pg.128-9) Romance is dead. Babies in the womb are considered intruders and parasites. Abortion is an act of self-defense! (pg.238) Absent fathers during childhood may even lead to brain defects. (pg.242) The vast majority of child abuse cases are by a step father or mother's boyfriend. (pg.236) The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. Prv.4:19

Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity... (Hos.10:13) For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind... (Hos.8:7) Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; (Gal.6:7-8)

Pearcey shows as well that Christianity historically has elevated cultures by valuing children that were abandoned, as well as woman and slaves. (pg.69-72, 143) Women enjoyed a higher status in Christianity than the Greco-Roman world at large. Two Princeton sociologists concluded that a two-parent ideal is what they would have to design were they creating a system to raise healthy children. (pg.242) Basically, the book is showing that science is catching up to the scripture. Which is what we anticipate anyway, since science needs the scripture in order to validate itself. Our culture needs to be called to repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 20:21

While reading the book The Devil and Karl Marx I found an interesting quote from famed feminist activist Kate Millett, who her sister described in the book as demon possessed. In an early Communist revolutionary assemblage, they would in a form of Litany recite how to "make revolution". The formula consisted in true Balaam form of destroying the family by destroying the marriage through sexual lasciviousness. They would chant and shout “Destroy monogamy!... By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” This was their goal to destroy Western society. - pg.366 Marx who hated Judaism and Christianity also hated their revelation of marriage. pg.90 of that book

The revolution is well underway in front of your very eyes. The goal is to destroy the West (de-Christianize) and rebuild the delusion of Marx’s utopia. Millions more will die but such is the price of “progress”.

see this:

Perverts wanting to groom the children

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