Time is such a persistent foe who we wrestle til he bids us go
A foolish battle we never win but engage it over and again
To hold time to the pleasant now and by our will to make it bow
And find the ones that please our heart and bind them there to not depart
To give their secrets and ever share all the pleasures that abide them there
And make the sun to stay in place to never more complete its race
So this their time would ever stay and this their sun would light their play
But such a time there never was for time will do what it always does
Children can’t forever play and the sun will set and end their day
But in their heart dwells an eternal touch that leaves the hope to dream for such
And what we thought was not our friend bids us til the truth we tend
To temper us to firmly hold eternal things as we grow old
Till when we reach our courses end and final breath and air doth blend
We’ve nothing vain for time though fleeting prepared us for eternal greeting
He who turned our memories to past, showed to us the things that last
Who took from us our strength and glory til we understood the timeless story
This is the Creators way until time becomes eternal day.
And our dream can then forever be, me with you and you with me.