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Writer's pictureTodd

The 4th Dimension

Updated: May 9

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;- Eph.3:17-18

Interestingly here we see a list of 4 dimensions. We would assume it to be a spiritual dimension where the angelic heavenly hosts and the demonic (or alien) usually exist. Also where Christ operated in after his resurrection when he would appear suddenly and disappear (Lk.24:31,36-43). We see angels appearing suddenly and disappearing in our 3 dimensions all through scripture (Lk. 1:11-13, 19, 2:13-15, 22:43, Mt.1:20, Gen.21:17,Ex.3:2, Jdg.6:12, 13:3, 20, 1 Chr.21:16, Dan.6:22, etc…)

Oddly we find Carl Sagan (I know, right?!) giving a good explanation of higher dimensions by looking at lower dimensions that we experience. Check this out:

This animation is also helpful- So, anyone seeing a partial manifestation of an entity from another higher dimension would by definition not understand what they are looking at. And if the devil is involved he can appear in a different form (2 Cor.11:14, Job 4:15-6). It appears also that people experiencing DMT trips are seeing things they do not understand but are interpreting them with three dimensional understanding.

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