Lavender Clouds of Summer
Feel the breeze, feel the breeze as we hasten to the place
Through the trees, through the trees where the sun will end his race
We will see from the water’s edge what colors paint the skies
Wondering children gaze as pastels luminate our eyes
See the clouds, see the clouds as they’re dancing in his might
And the grass and the trees changing colors in his light
Don’t look away while it lasts or we must wait another day
Don’t take for granted all the graces that abide us in this way
Set us free, set us free from the burden for just a while
Let us see, let us see every face command a smile
Distant storms, and cloudy pillars on horizon silhouetting
Rising in his majestic light paying tribute to his setting
Oh hearken children, hearken to the strong man while rejoicing
Follow through follow through to the words that he is voicing
Illuminating others with the light while holding fast
And let us strive to be as the sun, most brilliant at its last
Oh the day, oh the day how quickly does it end Then the dark, oh the dark inevitably will rend
Days of adversity wait their turn causing us to wonder
If heaven will be forever like the lavender clouds of summer