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Writer's pictureTodd

Is fornication freedom? If so, then why do women lie?

The other day I was in the market and the radio was playing an old song ‘Runaround Sue’; about a girl who was running around on him with every guy in town. I had heard it before but couldn’t remember who sang it, so I did a quick internet search. Then I realized it was the same guy (Dion DiMucci) who sang another song I had heard before also: ‘The Wanderer’. This is humorously ironic because he is warning all the guys about ‘runaround Sue’ not faithful to him or other guys, while lionizing himself as a guy who runs around with all the girls around town and never commits to one girl. (Actually, the singer I understand later became a Christian.) There is a persistent idea in our culture that men who are sexually active apart from marriage (whoremongers- Heb.13:4) are just ‘boys being boys’ or ‘sowing their wild oats’ and they generally brag to their buddies and overstate their exploits because it makes them appear manlier (as stereotypically captured in the 'classic' movie Grease). But simultaneously, woman who engage in the same wantonness are slutty whores who should be ashamed and avoided by those good men seeking a spouse and family and protecting future children from a likely divorce.

 If you were to guess which way men and women would lie about their number of sexual encounters, you might think men lie and exaggerate the number while women lie and understate the number. A study from Ohio State University may give us some data to back some of these ideas. They gave questionnaires to 201 heterosexual single college men and women regarding their sexual ideas and activities. Women "who thought their answers might be read reported an average of 2.6 sexual partners. But those who thought they were monitored by a lie detector reported an average of 4.4 sexual partners." "Men's answers didn't change as much as did women's under different testing conditions." "Before the study, we thought men would generally overreport their sexual behavior and women would underreport it under certain testing conditions," Fisher said. "However, we found that women were more likely than men to have different answers depending on conditions when they were surveyed." ; ; the initial study results were confirmed in a later study of 293 students- with this exception " Back in 2003, women went from having fewer sexual partners than men (when not hooked up to a lie detector) to being essentially even to men (when hooked up to the lie detector.) In this new study, women actually reported more sexual partners than men when they were both hooked up to a lie detector and thought they had to be truthful." I guess they do not want the stigma of being whorish while actually being whorish. Which might indicate that their conscience isn’t completely defiled. (Those with a seared conscience the bible described as having a "whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed" Jer.3:3; who brag about fornicating and aborting their children.) In other words they lie because they are ashamed and apparently women are more likely to lie because of this. They are probably aware that the more partners they have the less likely they will be valued as a marriage prospect… supply and demand. So, they take the old used car salesman tactics and lie about the miles. Their prospective marriage partner also values them similarly as he wants to ‘test drive’ before buying. This behavior undermines a stable long-term relationship and compromises the well-being of future children. Also, it makes light of a powerful experience and gift given by God. Plus, it dismisses the ultimate compliment to your partner, that they are worth sacrificing all others for. It degenerates the mind and the value structure God gives (Tit.1:15). It’s not what they want for their daughters... unless of course you are this degenerate- In our modern sexual climate, the Feminists want to ‘liberate’ woman from the stigma of being whorish and wanton. They rebel against social expectations for their sexual behavior, which no doubt was imposed on them by the ‘patriarchy’ and Christian, puritanical extremism. However, this porno/hook-up culture doesn’t want men to be condemned and feel ashamed about being whoremongers, rather they want women to be free to be lewd and lascivious. Biblically speaking they are only free from righteousness (Rom.6:20), but they are servants to the law of sin and death (Jn.8:34, Rom.5:21, 6:16-22, 7:25). They are driven by lusts and impulses as the motions of sins working death in them, in a similar way that animals conduct their behavior. The irrationality of lust driving them contrary to their better judgment of conscience and sound mind and alienating them from the life of God, they give themselves over to lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness (Eph.4:18-9) transforming themselves into natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed (2 Pt.2:12, Jd.1:10). This is not freedom, nor is it conducive to a long-term marriage; it is the way to hell (Heb.13:4, Prv.7:27). Furthermore, it reduces the design of sex as a rational covenantal bond and foundation of the family to a mindless and reckless impulse (like you see on any mammalian episode of National Geographic)- usually alcohol induced to assist in dulling the mind even further (Prv.23:29-33). The bible informs us that we are to abstain until marriage and keep our bodies under control and bring them into subjection (1 The.4:3-5, 1 Cor.9:27) for this is honorable as the body was not designed for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body (1 Cor.6:13).

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