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Writer's pictureTodd

Gaps of time in Scripture

Updated: Nov 25, 2023

Basically the idea of gaps of time found within scriptures is not uncommon. Here are some examples:

Isa.61:1-2- Where it is quoted by Christ (Luke 4:17-20) the "day of vengeance" has not yet occurred 2000 years later. So a 2000 year gap.

Isa.9:6-7- We again see a 2000 year gap from the Mighty God being born as a child, and his reigning over the house of David which has yet to occur.

Isa.11:1-10 Christ the Branch shows up and brings judgment on the earth slaying the wicked. There is no indication of a gap and yet here it is.

Isa.42:1-4 The first part was applied to Christ's first coming (Matt.12:16-21), but the latter part will be fulfilled in Isa.2:2-4.

Matt.3:10-12 Christ came to baptize with the Holy Ghost and 2000 years later with fire in judgment.

Zech.9:9-10 Again beginning with a prophecy of his first coming in Matt.21:4-5, but Zech. 9:10-15 etc. is the 2nd coming of Christ.

Rev.12:5-6 Satan tried to devour Christ when he was born, but he ascended up to the throne of God. Now the dragon will persecute the woman Israel 3.5 years in the tribulation, yet to come (v13-17). Again a 2000 year gap.

Micah 5:2-7. The eternal God shall be born in Bethlehem, and then punish the Assyrian and be exalted in the earth (millennial reign).

Dan.9:26-7 Is very important in understanding last days events. But it is well known and taught by pre-trib scholars that the 69 weeks of years have already past with the Messiah being cut off. There remains 1 more week of years for Israel; again a 2000 year gap.

Psalm 2:7-12 Here we see Christ declared to be the Son of God by his resurrection (Rom.1:4, Ac.13:33) going directly into his millennial reign- again a 2000 year gap.

Dan.2:37-44 Where the Roman Empire represented by the legs transitioned into the 10 toes of the final kingdom destroyed by Christ in person.

Isa.40:1-9 John shows up preparing the way of the LORD Jesus (Mt.3) but all flesh didn’t see his glory together yet. (Zech.14:9, Rev.1:6-7)

Mal.3:1-2 John is sent before Christ's first coming (Mt.11:10), but the passage seamlessly transitions into the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus in judgment and the salvation of Israel. (v2-6)

Jn.5:28-9 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. Clearly 1000 years between these resurrections. (Rev.20:4-7) Same thing is seen in Dan.12:2.

2 Pet.3:8-12 The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and in it everything shall be dissolved including the heavens and earth. Clearly 1000 years between these events. (Rev.20)

1 Chr. 17:11-14 The Son of David who is also the Son of God (Heb.1:5) would be born (1st coming) and establish the throne of David and his kingdom (over Israel) forever (2nd coming). (Luke 1:32-3, 2 Sam.7:13,16)

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