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CRT & BLM- Repurposed Old Garbage

Updated: Jun 29

By old garbage I am referring to Marxism. Which failed to generate the deterministic revolution of the proletariat in his dialectical materialism... predictably (Did any of them ever read Mises or Bastiat?). That old enemy Capitalism (i.e. property rights while ignoring central banking) prospered these saintly poor folks corrupting them (middle class) until a revolution wasn’t appealing to them; they were happy. And of course the collapse of the Soviet system, much to their chagrin. So, it was back to the drawing board for the dumpster diving Marxists. They need another army of victimized oppressed people who want liberation from having to work for a living (no, really!). After pickling themselves in post-modern theory they had a new strategy- use racism as a lever. (You can see more about this non-sense by reading and listening to Michael Rectenwald. He has a 6 hour course on the subject at Tom Woods Liberty Classroom which you should get- a ton of Libertarian material! Here are some podcasts you can get free on various aspects. Here is a lecture on it from a philosophical angle by Daniel Bonevac.)

Basically, for them there is no objective truth (a self-refuting proposition) and so, all narratives being expressed are acts of violence meant to subjugate the hearer. Thus, debate and rational argumentation is pointless with these liars, it’s all censor and cancel for them. And actually logic, math and science are examples of institutional racism, so... um... don’t think, I guess? I don’t have the time or patience here to detail the sheer stupidity (willing ignorance) of these people but I just wanted to give you a couple of quick pointers for when you are speaking with them (the 2 books above are good starters). Firstly- you might be dealing with the 'profane' lower class foot soldiers who actually believe there is something coherent at the core of this movement. You can make some headway with them- just pray and reason with them. God is able to grant them repentance to recover themselves (2 Tim 2:25). For details I would encourage you to read those 2 above current books on the issues. But secondly, behind them are the actual post-modern theorist 'priest' class who seek to radicalize the ignorant and hope to mobilize them to overthrow (loot & riot) capitalist Western culture and implement socialism. Don't hesitate to preach the gospel of Christ to them also, for it is the power of God unto salvation. (Rom.1:16) Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the Black Lives Matter organization (BLM- no, not buy luxury mansions) are current attempts at implementing anti-Christ Socialism. We discussed some of that in our Booker T. Washington series here and here, as well as this discussion here.

This book to the right covers the occult roots of Post Modernism also.

Thirdly, when they say ‘Institutional Racism’ they mean free market capitalism/meritocracy/competence hierarchy, which to them amounts to logic and science used to ‘rape the earth and enslave brown people’, and omit any guilt by central banking (the actual cause of most of what they call capitalism). The idea is, destroy the free-market system and impose a tyrannical world government and banking system; in a nut shell. Capitalism however is only the straw man- really, they hate Christianity (and Judaism) from which property rights are derived. Thus, property rights, the traditional nuclear family, fatherhood (patriarchy), traditional morality- no lasciviousness or sexual deviancy, rational and scientific reasoning are all bad (Marx hated religion). When they say ‘whiteness’ they mean Christianity’s influence upon Western civilization. So don’t cower when they call you a racist, because there need not be any actual evidence for this. It is simply a tool to subdue you and shut you up in case you persuade someone rationally. They are conducting warfare against our Constitutional Republic and they are enemies at home and abroad. Don’t be surprised at the hypocrisy either because the end justifies the means, including incessant lying and slander.

It's high time to put on the whole armor of God. 1 Cor.16:13, Eph.6:10-18, 2 Tim.2:1, Rom.13:11-14

The Devil and Karl Marx- Jordan Peterson

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