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Writer's pictureTodd

Charismania leads back to Rome

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

In my estimation the Charismatic movement arose from imbalanced Pentecostal churches who began to exalt experience over scripture regarding the gifts and ministries of the Spirit. It then developed into worldliness calling holiness 'legalism'. And it will end embracing the whore as we see with Kenneth Copeland uniting with the Pope from a mutual friend Tony Palmer (who died months later). Copeland essentially permits (tacitly approves) or enables Palmer to evangelize his 'sheep' into Roman Catholicism.  Strange times we are in.

 Related are these series of interviews with Malachi Martin and Art Bell involving an interchange with Ed Dames; Martin commends Dames and legitimizes remote viewing practices of the occult:

Still going in that trajectory in December 2022:

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