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Blood Moon Buffoonery

So 1/31/18 marks the 2nd full moon in a month, which is a blue moon; also it is a super moon meaning the moon is on the close side of its elliptical orbit appearing brighter and bigger to us. And to top it off there is a total lunar eclipse seen here in the US which will appear reddish, thus the name 'blood moon'. "Even rarer is the fact there will be two blue moons in the first quarter of 2018, and they are in a series of three supermoons."  So we get a 3 in 1 lunar event on 1/31. Is this magical? Well if you are a Wiccan witch of the West or a Luciferian etc. you think so. (for mature audiences ;  Now obviously as Christians we see intelligent design in nature; we may even look for signs in the heavens. But ultimately we look to scripture to direct our thoughts in these things. We engage in logical and scientific inquiries and investigation; in other words we use rationality to understand the world; to subdue it and have dominion over it. But if you are of the neo-pagan persuasion you let subjective experience and emotion reign supreme in your mind. You have abandoned rationalism and empiricism except as needed to supply you with argumentation for justifying your subjective experience. When the weight of reason crushes your audacious ackamarackus you immediately abandon logic as 'Western thought' and run towards the rising of the sun where 'intuition' is the mark of intelligence. Where does this leave us? Crowley the copromaniac would say "We found that both Ontology and Science, approaching the question of reality from entirely different standpoints, and pursuing their researches by entirely different methods, had yet arrived at an identical 'impasse.' And the general conclusion was that there could be no reality in any intellectual concept of any kind, that the only reality must lie in direct experience of such a kind that it is beyond the scope of the critical apparatus of our minds. It cannot be subject to the laws of Reason..." Where do they go now? Again Crowley informs: "Now what is Magick? Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will. How do we achieve this? By exalting the will to the point where it is master of circumstance. And how do we do this? By so ordering every thought, word and act, in such a way that the attention is constantly recalled to the chosen object." So it is the force of will that they exalt. Following this line of reasoning one of the strongest 'wills' in nature is to reproduce. So they "being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness" (Eph.4:19) Evil concupiscence becomes their path to liberation. It is the exact opposite of truth. Christ shall make you free from sin to serve righteousness; they break off the easy yoke of Christ to serve sin. Now our blood moon guide to rituals article gives us some pantheistic pointers. Since will is supreme in nature (Do what thou wilt- Crowley, obviously) and sex is an embodiment of the force of 'will' we must interpret nature according to the masculine and the feminine energies. As our article 'enightens' us: “Ideally, the coven should meet during the cycle of the full moon [Esbat]. “The reason for this is that during the full Moon, astral energies are more favorable for success in workings. “The Moon rules the female side of the soul, which provides the energy necessary to any working. “The full Moon amplifies this. Regular monthly meetings should take place with a special rite said unto Lucifer.” One leading online devil worship site said: “There is more magical energy during a full moon and a new moon than there is at other time and this does benefit by increasing the energy force available.“However, Satan nor Demons are bound to “full moon arrivals” and are free to manifest as they desire." So how pray tell do they know such rannygazoo? Experience. Some elemental spirit birdy told them. How are the energies in the universe attracted to our will? They are ultimately the same energies (just vibrating at different frequencies, obviously) and the whole story subsumes into spirit of the pantheistic type. Of couse the entire contradiction of their experience would also be equally the same energies. So what ever phantom you embrace as true has an equal and opposite evil twin, or an innumerable host of them. It sort of renders it all pointless. Except there is always reincarnation! Wait, how do they know that is true?!? If its true for you (i.e. causes certain feelings inside you) i suppose it's true.

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